The Park Medical Practice



The Park Medical Practice takes pride in offering our patients the highest standard of healthcare. Over our two surgeries we offer a wide range of medical services. We are a well-regarded training practice and have GP Registrars and other Doctors working with us. Patients are being reminded that staff are here to help and should be treated with kindness and respect. Technology means you can now do a lot of things from the comfort of your home such as order a repeat prescription and access your test results.  This can be done through the NHS App.  Please contact the reception team by phone if you are stuggling to register for the NHS App.

Latest Updates

 MMR Update: 

Measles is a preventable disease that can cause serious illness leading to complications, with one in five children who catch it needing a hospital visit, so it’s vital that parents make sure their children have both doses of MMR as soon as they are invited. To check if your child is vaccinated or to book an appointment, contact your GP practice.”

Measles can start out with a runny nose and a cough, and so can be easy to miss until a rash forms.

Measles symptoms include:

•             high fever

•             sore, red, watery eyes

•             coughing

•             aching and feeling generally unwell

•             a blotchy red brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms.

If people develop any symptoms of measles, they should contact their GP by phone. Please do not go to your GP, walk-in centre or any other healthcare setting without calling ahead, as measles is very infectious and so arrangements can be made to prevent others from being infected.

